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LONG DISTANCE CALLING anunta venirea unui solist-vocal

LONG DISTANCE CALLING anunta venirea unui solist-vocal
Nemtii de la Long Distance Calling au anuntat pe site-ul lor oficial ca lucreaza la un nou album de studio - numit The Flood Inside, ce va aparea undeva la inceputul anului viitor. Cu toate acestea, marea surpriza este faptul ca acest disc va beneficia de aportul unui solist-vocal, pe nume Martin “Marsen” Fischer (Pigeon Toe, ex-Fear My Thoughts), ce nu va figura ca invitat doar pe o singura piesa (asa cum diversi vocali s-au perindat pe anterioarele trei albume), ci se pare ca va fi prezent pe majoritatea pieselor acestui disc.

Mai jos puteti vedea cateva imagini din studio, in care Marsen isi intra in rol:

Iata si comunicatul oficial:

"Dear friends! When we decided to work on the new album, we felt that we wanted to push the envelope. We did three (almost) instrumental albums since the beginning of the band and strangely enough we had always a great time working on the one song on each album that came with vocals. When we started the band we didn’t even plan to be an instrumental band, it just happened because we didn’t find the right guy and so we started our musical journey as you know it. We achieved a lot more than we would have imagined or asked for. For this new album we just wanted to challenge ourselves and raise the bar. Hence we worked on what is the essence of (our) music: good songs.

When we started the songwriting for The Flood Inside we realized that some of the song ideas would be perfect for vocals, which simply meant that we needed a singer. In the summer we asked Martin “Marsen” Fischer (Pigeon Toe, ex-Fear My Thoughts) if he wanted to join the band and his answer was “yes”. He is a very cool guy and his voice and attitude fits LDC perfectly. Roughly 50% of the album will have vocals, but it’s not only Marsen. As with the previous albums we invited some cool people to sing on the album, but it’s a bit too early to tell you who it is. Additionally, we also worked with extremely talented people for other guest features like electronics etc. We are very much looking forward to this new chapter for LDC and we cannot wait for you guys to hear the new album!”

MAI MULTE DESPRE Long Distance Calling, Pigeon Toe
Posted by Fantotzii, at 13:23 |  October 20, 2012  | 0 Comentarii  | 3555 Vizualizari « INAPOI

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