stiri rock

GOREFEST isi inceteaza activitatea

GOREFEST isi inceteaza activitatea

Olandezii de la Gorefest au decis sa puna capat activitatii trupei, considerand ca dupa reunirea din 2006, au spus tot ce au avut de spus din punct de vedere muzical. Ei s-au declarat foarte multumiti de ce au realizat pana acum, dar au considerat ca e timpul sa isi inceteze activitatea. Intregul comunicat, in limba engleza, publicat pe, este disponibil mai jos:

Gorefest discover Internet porn, quit.
OK, that's not entirely true, we knew about the porn all along. But, after two albums, both of which we're hugely proud of, and about a hundred shows, all of them memorable in their own way, the question that remained for us was: what's next? The answer can be short: nothing. 'La Muerte' and 'Rise To Ruin' are two albums with which we've expanded, and indeed completed our body of work to our full satisfaction. Barring one or two exceptions, all the shows we've done since we decided to reform sometime in 2004 have been tremendously enjoyable. So why quit? Pretty simple, really: Every ride comes to an end. This is ours.



Posted by Cynyc, at 00:00 |  June 16, 2009  | 4 Comentarii  | 2087 Vizualizari « INAPOI

Comenteaza la: GOREFEST isi inceteaza activitatea

  • pacat, mare oftic ca acum10 ani canf s-a spart Faith No More.Si, uite ca-i voi vedea.Sa speram ca se vor razgandi, dar vor fi cam in varsta...

    1. Posted by i | 16 Iunie 2009 19:27

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