stiri rock

ATREYU: dezvaluie titlurile pieselor noului album

ATREYU: dezvaluie titlurile pieselor noului album

Formatia americana de metalcore, Atreyu, a dezvaluit titlurile pieselor ce vor figura pe urmatorul album de studio, Congregation of the Damned, material ce va fi lansat in data de 27 octombrie sub egida Hollywood Records. Acestea sunt urmatoarele:

01. Stop! Before It's Too Late and We've Destroyed it All
02. Bleeding is a Luxury
03. Carried Away
04. Coffin Nails
05. Black Days Begin
06. Gallows
07. Storm to Pass
08. You Were King Now You're Unconscious
09. Insatiable
10. So Wrong
11. Ravenous
12. Lonely
13. Wait For You

Posted by H., at 00:00 |  September 04, 2009  | 1 Comentarii  | 2103 Vizualizari « INAPOI

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