stiri rock

Concertele ATHEIST in Romania au fost anulate

Concertele ATHEIST in Romania au fost anulate
Intreg turneul pe care formatia  Atheist urma sa il sustina in Europa a fost anulat. Astfel, concertele din Romania nu vor avea loc.

Un comunicat de presa (in varianta sa originala) poate fi gasit mai jos:

"It is with great regret that we have to inform you Atheist has been forced to cancel its August European tour. Unfortunately, Atheist drummer, Steve Flynn, was forced to remain in the US for an unavoidable personal commitment. This happened at the very last minute and has been communicated to you all as quickly as possible.
Several options were entertained  fill-in drummer, shifting dates and others. However, on such short notice, these proved to be impossible. The band wishes to express its most heart-felt apologies for this happening. Atheist will do whatever it can to make it up to the fans and promoters who have worked so hard to support the band for these 25 years

Mighty Owl Productions isi cere scuze pentru anulare si in acelasi timp roaga fanii sa inteleaga ca vina in acest caz apartine exclusiv formatiei.

Cei ce au cumparat bilete la eveniment pot primi banii inapoi (minus taxa de comision aplicata de de la punctele de unde au fost cumparate.

Sursa: Mighty Owl Productions

Posted by Dragos P., at 11:37 |  August 09, 2011  | 0 Comentarii  | 2170 Vizualizari « INAPOI

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