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John Gallagher (RAVEN): more t-shirts than albums?

John Gallagher (RAVEN): more t-shirts than albums?
BANDS : Raven

Raven, the legend of the NWOBHM scene will soon release the first DVD of their career, a material that promises to be more than interesting for fans of the band and the genre. We took the opportunity and had a little chat with John Gallagher, lead singer and bassist of the group. John said a truth that many of us hide: "Musicians are more into the business of selling t-shirts than albums." More details in the lines below:

Metalfan: Hi John and welcome to
John Gallagher: Hi!

Metalfan: Raven is a legend of the New Wave of Heavy Metal scene. Could you tell us the most important things of your career so far? It is much, it is less? How do you see the past, present and the future for Raven?

John Gallagher: The most important thing is we still greatly enjoy playing live & making new music..and that we have a crazy bunch of fans around the world that seems to understand what we do & they give us such support its amazing!

Metalfan: In 2009 Raven have released a new album after almost 10 years - Walk Through Fire. How do you see it now in 2013? Do you think that it is time for a new Raven album or do you like the things to happen slow.

John Gallagher: It is time – it’s a different world theses days so there is greater time between albums…musicians are more into the business of selling t-shirts than albums so maybe we release more t-shirts than albums these days…! But we have been stockpiling songs & are still adding to the list..

Metalfan: Bands like Angel Witch and Satan along with Iron Maiden and Judas Priest have release or are releasing new albums. Do you feel that is a revival of the NWOBHM?
John Gallagher: Maybe... its hard to tell, music goes in cycles so it would be cool... its great that those bands are putting out new music – that’s the important thing!

Metalfan: Could you tell us more about your playing technique? You are more a lead vocalist or more a bass player?
John Gallagher: Oh..I’m both – it’s a long UK tradition I guess (Jack Bruce, John Wetton, Greg Lake. etc etc). As for playing... I’m a fingerstyle bass player & as I’m playing with a guy who’s one of the downstroke kings..I have adapted some techniques to I get the tight sound of playing with a pick – without it! I also play with a lot of distortion…I play 8 string & 12 string basses..and my old custom 4 string explorer..with a tremolo system... so its always been a search for different sounds... as well as note choices!

Metalfan: If you would have to make a top five of the most influential bass players of all times, which would be your choices? Why?
John Gallagher: That’s tough and the list would probably change every day... but here we go...
John Entwistle – such an innovator…
Andy Fraser – genius note choices
Chris Squire – tone monster..also note choices!
Jimmy Lea – lead bass!!!
Gary Thain – powerhouse!!

Metalfan: What do you think about such movies as Iron Maiden - Flight 666 and Anvil: The Story of Anvil? Have you seen any of them? What do you think about metal documentaries in general? Do you think that would be proper for Raven to release such a material?

Well... I have seen a lot of them..and we are putting out our own DVD Rock Until You Drop in June!!!!  Its great to see a concert DVD or even a collection of live footage... but something with some form of narrative has more value and that’s what we’ve done – it’s the story of Raven... from our point of view... with interviews of our peers... producers etc... And lots of live/studio/crazy footage!!!
Metalfan: What do you think about the work of the producer Michael Moore? Which is your favourite documentary released by him? Why? How do you think that it would be a metal documentary made by Michael Moore? Maybe something in the vein of This Is Spinal Tap? Hahaha
John Gallagher: That’s tough... Capitalism – A Love Story is pretty cool... but its hard to top Spinal Tap – that’s the best!!!

Metalfan: What do you think about such bands as 3 Inches of Blood, Enforcer or Ghost? Does heavy metal have a future with the new generation of revival bands?

John Gallagher: Got to be honest..I have only heard Ghost from the three bands above…it was very Sad Wings of Destiny (1976) era Judas Priest... there are a lot of bands with a retro sound but its cool... I really like Graveyard for instance...

Metalfan: Black Sabbath will release a new album this year. Did you got the chance to listen any of the songs from it? What do you think that it will sound like?
John Gallagher: Not yet…hope it works as Bill Ward is such a big part of the Sabbath sound its hard to imagine it will work…..

Metalfan: Are you a football fan? What do you think that England will do at World Cup 2014 from Brazil?
John Gallagher: God... to have them play as a bloody TEAM would be nice!!!

Metalfan: If you would have to pick a single football player from England who it would be? Who is the best of all times from your point of view? Why?
John Gallagher: I know I’m dating myself here... but I did see Manchester United play Newcastle once... and George Best was just amazing...

Metalfan: Sir Christopher Lee will release this year his second heavy metal album at his 91st birthday. What do you think about him? Which do you think that is his secret for longevity?
John Gallagher: Who knows but he seems to be loving life & is AWESOME!!!

Metalfan: Could you tell us few words about the following:
The year 1974 – the year we started this band!!!!  We saw Budgie..Status Quo…brilliant!
Jon Zazula (Megaforce Records) – larger than life!
Denim & leather – c’mon..what else is there??
Ronnie James Dio – I camped out in the snow all night in 1976 for Rainbow tickets... Ronnie was just the best…such a huge voice 
Beer – we could smell the Newcastle Brown Ale from the brewery down the street... Legend has it theres a ward at Newcastle general hospital for the Brown ale drunks!
Tea – best drink of the day – PG Tips!!!!!

Metalfan: Thank you for your time and for your answers John! It was a honor! In the end would you like to send few words to our readers or to add something else?
John Gallagher: Many thanks to our fans – we hope you check out the DVD – we soend many many many hours putting it together (well..Mark did..) and we hope you like it!!! See you on the road soon!!!
Autor: H.
   May 30, 2013  | 2 Comments  | 7000 Views « BACK

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