interviuri rock

Mat Sinner, the captain

Mat Sinner, the captain
BANDS : Primal Fear, Sinner

It was in the early 80ies that Mat Sinner started his career on the German metal scene. He’s had his share of commercial success with his first band Sinner, but Primal Fear, which he founded together with ex Gamma Ray singer Ralph Scheepers back in 1998, has done much better on the international market. Now Mat is the “captain” of both “teams” and we enquired about the specific tactics of his “play”.


Mat Sinner live


Metalfan: It seems you’ve had some trouble with the planning of the Sinner tour, is everything sorted out now? 
Mat: Yeah, shit happens, but everything’s rescheduled now!

Metalfan: The MTM Newsletter said something about an accident that caused the tour to be postponed, what exactly happened? Is everything ok now?
Mat: I cut up my hand and my little finger on my left arm. I tried to find something that kept me from falling...

Metalfan: You are currently working on the new Primal Fear album. How are the recordings going so far? What is left to be done? How’s the atmosphere in the studio?
Mat: Fine, we recorded 12 songs and take a break now, what was supposed to be the Sinner tour, but anyway – we have to record some more vocals and lead guitars!

Metalfan: You and Charlie Bauerfeind are both producing this album, how did you actually share your duties, who does what, in terms of producing the music?
Mat: Charlie is more concentrating on the technical side, I’m the more creative side of our music. But we’re working very good together and Charlie is a master!

Metalfan: When will the new Primal Fear album come out? What do you think it will sound like, compared to the previous releases?
Mat: At the end of August 2007, in my view it’s a nice mixture, flowing the path of Sevens Seals with a Nuclear Fire metal approach.

Metalfan: You’ve played two shows in Brazil last year with Primal Fear, how was it like?
Mat: Brazil is always great to us and it’s always a pleasure to come back!


Primal Fear: Mat Sinner, Randy Black, Raph Scheepers, Stefan Leibing, Tom Naumann


Metalfan: Let’s talk about your other band, Sinner. You’ve just released a new album, Mask of Sanity. Why this title?
Mat: It’s about people who wear a different mask in the public, than they already have – but it will be exposed. Sometimes … sooner or later!

Metalfan: What reactions did you get so far to Mask of Sanity, from the fans and the press. Did they meet your expectations?
Mat: Fantastic, it was a little risk to go back to our roots and write and produce a really traditional album, what our die hard fans really wanted us to do, but in the end it worked out great!

Metalfan: Mask of Sanity with has been regarded by the press as a back to the roots album, because it is more hard rock oriented than the other recent releases of the band. Was this a deliberate change of course, or did it just came natural?
Mat: No, a lot of our fans, fanclub and friends approached us to do a back to the roots album. They didn’t want to have Sinner are getting a total metal band.

Metalfan: Mask of Sanity features Roy Z as a song-writer, as well as guest appearances from Andy B Franck, Ralf Scheepers and Martin Grimm. Did you plan their appearances from the beginning, or it just happened spontaneously?
Mat: I don’t think, that guests are mainly the reason, why an album is good or not. I wrote “Diary of evil” together with Roy. He is a friend and we have the same taste in music. We will work on some more projects in the future! The other dudes are good friends. Andy and Ralf were doing some backing vocals. Both are great singers. Martin played a dueling lead guitar against Tom in the bonus track.

Metalfan: Who was in charge with the songwriting, how much was every band member of the band involved in the conception of the songs?
Mat: To be honest, it’s more like a solo album, I wrote most of the songs and produced the album.

Metalfan: There’s a Thin Lizzy touch that goes beyond the cover you did for Baby Please Don’t Go. Are you guys great fans of Phil Lynott’s music?
Mat: Of course we are! Phil was a killer musician and songwriter. We love all kind of music that touches us!

Metalfan: You’ve already filmed two videos for Mask of Sanity so far, will there be others?
Mat: No two are enough, we will doing some live shows now and I’m working on the new Primal Fear. Enough work, hahaha!

Metalfan: The video for the song Diary of Evil was shot at the Johannes Church in Stuttgart. Metal bands and guitars inside of a church that is not something one can see every day.
Mat: I was really surprised as they gave us the permission for this place, cause it’s amazing inside. Director Katja Piolka did a great job here!

Metalfan: Are those videos played on TV? Do you think videos are a good promotional tool for a rock band?
Mat: Every promotion is a good promotion! I haven’t talked to the MTM guys about TV, but I heard good news from Canada and Japan, that the clip is played there!


Sinner 2007: Matthias Lange, Klaus Sperling, Mat Sinner, Frank Rossler, Tom Naumann


Metalfan: Sinner has always had a lot of line up changes, with members coming and going from one record to another. Except for Matt Sinner, he always stayed. Is he a guy so difficult to work with, or there are other explanations for the line-up changes?
Mat: Naumann and Roessler are in this band for 18 years now – that says it all. On the other side, Sinner is my solo project without my first name. I want my freedom to write and produce the music I want to and not making too many compromises.

Metalfan: What is different between the Sinner of the 80 and the Sinner of today? Looking back on your career, what are the main changes that you see?
Mat: The Mask Of Sanity album closes a circle. If I remember, I see a lot of great and talented guitarists and it was fun to rock with them! The music isn’t so much different anymore, now we have done Mask of Sanity!

Metalfan: How do you divide your songwriting between Sinner and Primal Fear? When you write a song, do you know right away “this is a Sinner song” or “this one is a Primal Fear riff”? Mat: I separate the two bands very much and I’m writing in periods only for one project!

Metalfan: Furthermore, what different opportunities for you as the musician, you think that each of these two bands offer? What side of your creativity fits one band and what side the other?
Mat: I can do whatever I want with Sinner and I’m a teamplayer in Primal Fear, like a captain in soccer maybe …

Metalfan: Why do you think that Primal Fear has gained more commercial success than Sinner? Does this success make Primal Fear your number one priority, with Sinner falling to number 2?
Mat: Of course, Primal Fear has my total respect and focus. Primal Fear is my life and Primal Fear is a fantastic band!

Metalfan: You are recording and playing with two bands, you are also a producer and you also work for MTM Music. Quite a busy schedule...
Mat: I don’t work for MTM. I’m a freelance A&R for MTM, but I’m consulting for other companies too, not only record companies and I manage bands and artists, I really believe in!



Metalfan: You’ve been around on the metal scene for some time now, for more than 20 years. What do you think about the way the metal scene has evolved, where do you think is it going to?
Mat: The scene now is divided in too many different styles of metal. All the people out there should be more tolerant!

Metalfan: Being so busy creating music, have you still got the time to listen to music? Have you heard the new Manowar?
Mat: Of course I heard their new album Gods Of War and I really respect their faith and music. I know Joey personally and he really lives his music!

Metalfan: That’s all for now, thank you. Is there anything else I forgot to ask and you would like our readers to know about you?
Mat: Just stay metal and see you soon!

Autor: Klawz
Vezi galeriile trupelor: Primal Fear, Sinner

   March 26, 2007  | 3 Comments  | 11344 Views « BACK

Comment on: Mat Sinner, the captain

  • Excelent interviu! Interesanta intrebarea legata de Manowar. Probabil te asteptai sa aduca critici negative la album cum ne-am obisnuit sa auzim la pe la noi. Dar nici nu se putea sa dea alt raspuns! Tot respectu pt. Mat, pt. trupele lui si pt. Manowar!!!

    1. Posted by peavy | 28 Martie 2007 01:58
  • Mie-mi pare rau ca a ocolit raspunsul la intrebarea cu De ce Primal Fear are mai mult succes decit Sinner. Ar fi fost interesant de vazut ce crede.

    2. Posted by JudasRising | 28 Martie 2007 11:26
  • Klawz e obsedat de Manowar, Rhapsody si ceilalti. S-a bagat in lumea asta ca sa poata da in respectivele trupe. De vine nu e vina sunt cei care ii permit.
    In rest, f. bun interviu, recunosc.

    3. Posted by Razvan | 08 Aprilie 2007 22:59

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