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VISIONS OF ATLANTIS: The perfect balance of their Trinity

VISIONS OF ATLANTIS: The perfect balance of their Trinity
BANDS : Visions of Atlantis

Visions of Atlantis is an Austrian symphonic metal band.  They formed in 2000 and they have released two albums so far, while the third one, appropriately named Trinity, is on its way, due to be released on May 25th. American classical singer Melissa Ferlaak left her previous band, Aesma Daeva back in 2005, to join Visions of Atlantis and here she is now, graciously answering our questions.


Metalfan: Hello Melissa, and welcome to Romania!
Melissa: Hello and thanks for the welcome! Romania is a place I would love to visit someday!

Metalfan: Vision of Atlantis hails from Austria. What do you think about the Austrian metal scene? Is it difficult for an Austrian metal band to break into the European music market?
Melissa: The Austrian metal scene seems to be very welcoming of bands, but also very new as far as the metal scene… though I personally haven’t been around the Austrian scene all that long, so it is hard for me to judge.

Metalfan: How do you see the European music market, compared with the US music market?
Melissa: As far as metal goes, specifically symphonic metal, Europe is the hot place to be compared to the US. Europe is known throughout the US as a hotbed of very talented metal musicians and there is definitely a strong respect for European talent in the metal scene. As far as pop music though… the US thinks they are the best, which in my opinion is an extremely sheltered view. The US is a large country and many good bands and musicians often get overlooked because they are too intelligent to sell well to the general public. And the major labels, in my opinion, tend to go after what I call, the “lowest common denominator” music listener… music that is so bland and unintelligent that it is easy to peddle to a very broad audience. 

Metalfan: You have studied music and vocal performance at the New England Conservatory, what was your original motivation? Have you now completely abandoned the possibility of a career in classical music?
Melissa: No, I have never completely abandoned the possibility of a career in classical music, however, I will never completely abandon metal. Symphonic metal carried me through my studies and kept me sane. My professors all appreciated symphonic metal as well. My original motivation for schooling was to get my instrument to sound as best as it could. Additionally, I love opera. Will I someday get back into opera, yes. Will I hope to continue singing in metal bands, yes.

Metalfan: How did you became exposed to heavy metal and who are your favorite artists?
Melissa: I was exposed to metal through my previous band Aesma Daeva. Prior to that, I really didn’t know much metal at all. It was quite an awakening and one that took me over fully. As of this month, my favorite bands are Madder Mortem, Melechesh, Teratism, After Forever and many many others. But these are the ones getting the most spins right now.

Metalfan: Are you familiar with female vocalists like Sabina Classen (Holy Moses) and Angela Gossow (Arch Enemy)? What do you think about their singing style?
Melissa: Funny story. The first metal show I ever played was Milwaukee Metalfest in 2002. I was running around talking to people and they were saying this female fronted band, Arch Enemy was going on next. I thought… oh another band like mine, cool! Then I heard this growling, very masculine voice start up and sure enough, it was Angela.

I was highly impressed to say the least! I think for a woman to create that sound out of their voice is an impressive feat!

Metalfan: How do you think your musical education deepened your understanding of heavy metal?
Melissa: I think I was able to listen better to metal. If I hadn’t been exposed to Wagner, Stravinsky, Gorecki and these great composers, I don’t think I would be able to appreciate metal that much. When I hear bands, good bands play, I feel like I can hear the subtleties a lot better. For instance, there is a Tyr song that is obviously written to resemble a Bach Fugue. If I hadn’t studied classical music, I may have missed that intelligent passage by this band!

Metalfan: Tell us a little bit about your time with Aesma Daeva. You worked with them on two records, how was it?
Melissa: Aesma Daeva was a great foundation. I learned a lot about myself and about working with others. I learned about recording and performing live. I also learned how much I love metal musicians and metal listeners.

Metalfan: Why did you choose to leave Aesma Daeva for Visions of Atlantis? How did you know get to meet them and how did you became the band's new vocalist?
Melissa: I had hit a point in Aesma Daeva that I needed a change. I felt I was becoming stagnant as a musician and I wanted to try something new. I was introduced to Visions of Atlantis through Ashmedi of Melechesh who put my name out there to Napalm [Records]. I feel very lucky to have him as a friend and colleague because I feel he saved my sanity when it needed saving.

Metalfan: The bio on the Visions of Atlantis' website states that it was the myth of the lost island of Atlantis that inspired the original members to form the band. In what way did this myth acted upon the music of the band on the early releases?
Melissa: Thomas, our drummer, had a dream about Atlantis, as the story goes. It became an inspiration for all the members and well, inspiration is the best motivation for making art. 

Metalfan: Is the Atlantis-theme still a major influence on the band's music?
Melissa: The theme has shifted to more of a metaphorical element of water. Our lyrics are less based on mythological themes and more so on personal experiences. We decided it was time for a shift in direction to accommodate the musical shift and band member shift.



Metalfan: What has changed on Trinity, since the previous release, in terms of songwriting?
Melissa: This particular album is a shift in direction towards a more heavier and darker sound for Visions of Atlantis. The guitars and drums are more prevalent and the orchestral parts are rich and luscious. In Eternal Endless Infinity and Cast Away, the water/sea theme was more based on mythology, whereas with this album it is more of a metaphorical element. Topics are a broad range lyrically. The songs that I, Martin and Mario wrote lyrics for are very personal. One I wrote as a memorial to my niece who was killed in 2001. Mario wrote some lyrics that are passionate, full of rage, full of hope and about the eternal and also, very personal. There is a lot of symbolism and imagery within the lyrics and I hope that evokes some response from our listeners. Overall, this album is going in a more mature direction.

Metalfan: You produced the album yourselves, why did you make this choice? Do you advise other bands to do the same?
Melissa: We were able to get the songs to sound exactly as we wished them to sound. We put a lot of importance on giving our listeners something that is true to us and a part of us. Jan Vacik of Dreamscape Studios was the perfect engineer for this… he suggested things which were complimentary to the songs and we found such perfect balance with him involved. This was the difference. I advise bands to do what is necessary for them. This was necessary for us, but it isn’t for everyone.

Metalfan: The album is called Trinity. Is this only to suggest that it is your 3rd album or it actually has a deeper meaning?
Melissa: Throughout many, if not all, major belief systems the number three has held significant value. The most obvious, which inundates us is that of the Christian representation. Another obvious is that of the three faces of the Goddess within Pagan cultures. HOWEVER, this album is not a Christian album nor is it a Pagan album NOR is it that of any specific religion. Perfect balance, perfect unity is that held within the number three. Finally throughout the history of Visions of Atlantis, have we found this perfection within our group. Yes, it is the third album, yes there have been three member changes, but the real significance lies in that of the balance this band now holds. This album is representative of the whole of our union which we offer to you.

Metalfan: How do you share your time on the microphone with Mario? How it is decided who sings this and who sings that?
Melissa: Honestly, it comes naturally throughout the songwriting process. Some lines are just meant for him and some are meant for me. Some are a duet where the choices are obvious and sometimes not. Some you will here where it is either mostly just him or I and usually we divert to each other. For instance, with The Poem, both him and I agreed that this song was meant for him to sing and for me to interject as the other character. For Return to You, he diverted that all to me because the lyrics are so personal to me. Mario and I have such a great working relationship in this way.

Metalfan: Do you each write your own lyrics for the parts you sing?
Melissa: Most of the time, but sometimes no. On some songs, Mario or I wrote all of the lyrics. On some, he or I would change them according to our own tastes, but still kept within the theme of the song. Sometimes we wrote them together even!

Metalfan: How do you think you are different from their previous vocalist, what is your opinion on her vocal approach? Do you think you would have imagined different vocal lines for the older songs of the band?
Melissa: Her and I have completely different voices altogether. My approach is of course different than hers, but I don’t think one is better than the other… everyone has a different way of what works best for them. I would have done the vocal lines differently because everyone is unique in thought, inspiration and motivation. Anyone would have done them differently.

Metalfan: Who is writing the music in the band?
Melissa: Previous to my joining, the band changed over guitarists/primary song writer to Wolfgang. He has been the primary one to influence the style differences you will hear now with Trinity. I joined up after most of the new songs had been at least partially written. And they were already quite different. Then Martin was brought on after me who brought in yet another nice songwriting element. Mario, Martin and I wrote the lyrics. So I think with the evolution changes from the existing members together with the addition of the new members, we were able to create what you can hear now in Vision of Atlantis.

Metalfan: What are the elements that set Visions of Atlantis apart from the European power/symphonic metal crowd?
Melissa: Having a real opera singer? Hahaha… Just kidding… well, I would say the dual vocalists in the way we do it is an element that sets us apart. Our music is pretty heart-pumping which can be different from most as well.

Metalfan: There are several reviews that compare Visions of Atlantis to Nightwish. Is Nightwish an influence for you?
Melissa: No actually, not at all. They were to the previous song writers, but I would venture to say more so, that the genre of symphonic metal was an influence. Nightwish and Visions of Atlantis might have some similar influences such as classical music, but over all, our influences are very different from each other. I think it is easy for someone to compare Nightwish to Visions of Atlantis because Visions of Atlantis was heavily influenced by them in the past. But then again, ALL bands that have a classical style female singer are compared, which is sad because its like saying we all sound alike. Tragic actually that people don’t listen closer.



Metalfan: If I am not mistaken, you are an US resident. While this should work in the advantage of the band, considering the lyrics are in English, on the other hand, does it make it difficult to practice in full formation and to work on the songs?
Melissa: Yes, I still reside in Minnesota.  Actually the most difficult thing is feeling like I’m away from these guys who I am so close to now like family. We miss each other very much! As far as practicing goes, the guys are all such great musicians that we only need about a week to practice as a group before the songs are perfected. I feel very privileged to work with such talent!

Metalfan: How do you like touring, I guess it is not always offering all the comfort that a girl needs...
Melissa: I LOVE touring! I wish I could be on tour 365 days a year. I also grew up with three brothers and I’m not high maintenance at all. I love loading gear, sleeping in small quarters and traveling. I find it to be heavenly actually! And of course, we would love to tour all the time, but the album has to SELL well in order for that to happen (in other words, downloading songs makes this a lot harder for us!)

Metalfan: Your live appearances found you sharing the stage with quite a lot of metal bands; whose company did you enjoyed the most so far?
Melissa: I think I speak for everyone when I say Xandria. We toured with them in February of 2006 and god, they are just the nicest and most charming people! We had such a great time and felt that we have made such great friends with them.

Metalfan: There's a North American tour scheduled for the coming fall, what are your expectations for this tour? Do you know anything at all about the venues you are going to play, have you got any feedback to your music about the American public?
Melissa: I have played at a few of them actually and we are all so excited about it! I am especially because it will be great to play my home country, Canada and Mexico again. We are just hoping that people come out and have a rocking time with us! That’s all we ever hope for!

Metalfan: How carefully do you prepare your appearance in the press, on stage? How much of an advantage is a good looking female vocalist for a heavy metal band?
Melissa: I wear and dress how I feel comfortable onstage. If I was a type of person that felt comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt, I would wear that. But maybe it’s the opera in me that I feel I need to dress for respect of the stage. I don’t know if looks have much to do with it…if a singer cant sing, they wont be successful no matter how beautiful she is.

Metalfan: How do you feel about what you accomplished so far with Visions of Atlantis and what objectives have you guys set for the band?
Melissa: So far, we have hit what we accomplished with the album: We gave people a true piece of ourselves. We hope to just play and play and play now!!! And have fun doing it!

Metalfan: That would be all, thank you very much for your time.
Melissa: And thank you! Its been a pleasure and hope to see you all out there soon!


Autor: Klawz
Vezi galeriile trupelor: Visions of Atlantis

   May 21, 2007  | 7 Comments  | 76781 Views « BACK

Comment on: VISIONS OF ATLANTIS: The perfect balance of their Trinity

  • ar merge tipa intr-un porn

    1. Posted by emitremmus | 25 Mai 2007 22:02
  • "Dar probabil din cauza formatiei mele clasice si a pasiunii pentru opera, ma simt mai bine daca ma imbrac altfel, din respect pentru scena."

    cum se vede si din pozele promo, doamna se imbraca foarte clasic, khmmm...din pasiune pt. opera...

    2. Posted by emitremmus | 25 Mai 2007 22:04
  • "As vrea sa fiu in turneu 365 de zile pe an. Am crescut cu trei frati si nu sunt deloc pretentioasa. Imi place sa dau o mina de ajutor la incarcat echipamentele, sa dorm in camere mici si sa calatoresc."

    da, doamna are placeri cel putin interesante, dar asa e daca cresti cu 3 frati

    3. Posted by emitremmus | 25 Mai 2007 22:11
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