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Ze'ev Tananboim (Salem): We are a working hard band...

Ze'ev Tananboim (Salem): We are a working hard band...
BANDS : Salem


Metalfan: As this is your first interview for Metalfan it would be a great start to point the most important things in Salem activity so far...
Ze'ev: Hard to put the finger on certain activities but we released 6 albums and 2 dvd's, played in Hellfest, supported Megadeth,  and appeared in the legendary Headbangers Ball in MTV , I think the rest is all info can be easily found in our website and myspace of course.

Metalfan: Last year you have released your second DVD titled Salem Underground, an live best of. Was it hard to choose the right songs for this DVD?
Ze'ev: You always have to drop some songs but the show there is based on the Strings Attached album so the set list was mainly songs that appeared on the album with some extras.

Salem Underground

Metalfan: I've seen that there are also two Mayhem covers for "Freezing Moon" and "Deathcrush" with Attila Csihar. Why did have you deicided to include two covers on a best of?
Ze'ev: As Atilla was our special guest in that show it was natural to have the songs we made with him on stage, it is unique thing to see and I think it was a clever idea.

Metalfan: I've heard some people saying that your versions for this songs with Attila sound better than the original ones. Do you feel that you've added something new to them?
Ze'ev: The originals are legends and were recorded 23 years ago and 17 years ago so of course it's a bit updated and fits to 2007 (year of release) but we kept the original spirit and treated the songs with much respect I think.

Metalfan: I've seen that curently you are working on an new album. How are things going so far with the new tunes?
Ze'ev: Very good, we are a working hard band and step by step the music starts to get a shape, I think the album will be completed soon and we are all very excited about the new material, new things pop up in the studio all the time.

Metalfan: There is a chance to release the new album this year?
Ze'ev: I hope so, depends on the label of course.

Metalfan: From what I could read on your official website, one of the songs called "Heartbeat", seems to be unusual for Salem. Do you plan to take your music to a new direction? A more progressive one?
Ze'ev: I would not call it "progressive" but we try to walk the thin line between exploring new dimensions as an artist and keep the roots and sound signature, I don't want to record the same album twice but I want people to recognize it's salem's material for sure.

Metalfan: The lyrical theme will follow the direction of "Necessary Evil" or "Collective Demise" for example or you plan to do major changes in this direction? A conceptual lyrical theme to be combined with the musical direction for example...??
Ze'ev: It's too early to say because we write lyrics nowdays but in general I can say that lyrics are realistic, intelligent, and radical, those motives we will stick no doubt.

Metalfan: I know that in the begining you have released for demos titled Salem in '86, Destruction 'till Death in '87, Promo '89 and Millions Slaughtered in 1990. As these releases are cult releases in these days, Millions Slaughtered to be more specific, did you ever thinked to release a boxet with them for those fans who will love to have them in their collection?
Ze'ev: We received a lot of offers about them and recently I saw Destruction 'till Death tape sold in Ebay at 179$ but if we will re release something from those old days it will be the Millions Slaughtered and not the first 2 tapes, time will tell.

Metalfan: As many bands have released albums based on books or movies, did you think to release an album based on the movie The Witches of Salem? Based on the general story...
Ze'ev: Never thought about it honestly.

Metalfan: As we all know the situation in Israel is not so secure if we would compare it with the situation from Germany, Austria or Romania for example. Did you thinked to leave the country and to relocate the band somewhere else like Melechesh for example...?
Ze'ev: It's not that dangerous as well, the press likes to show the propaganda, its not that bad, we love the place and we have friends and families here, I guess we will stay here.

Metalfan: Which was your favorite album from 2008? Lets call it, the revelation?
Ze'ev: I really liked Behemoth, Lamb Of God and Kreator's new albums.

Metalfan: I know that Salem haven't played to much outside Israel because besides music you also have jobs. Don't you think that after 24 years of playing in Salem with be the right time for the band to start playing in some new places?
Ze'ev: We have no problem to play aboard and reach new areas but we will not going to pay from our own pockets thousands of dollars just to say we played with this or that, if we are invited we will always agree and we are very easy to deal with and no greedy at all, but we can't spend our monthly income to finance small tour, it's not something we can pay economy wise, if flights are paid we can always play.

Metalfan: Thank you for the interview and good luck in the future! In the end would you like to send few words to Metalfan readers or to add something?

Ze'ev: Thank you so much for the support and interest, I hope your readers will check us out at!

Autor: H.
Vezi galeriile trupelor: Salem

   May 18, 2009  | 0 Comments  | 10648 Views « BACK

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