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AC/DC are preparing a new album

AC/DC are preparing a new album

In a recent interview for, Brian Johnson reported that Angus and Malcolm Young are in the studio, recording guitar tracks for a new AC/DC album and stated that they aim for something very special, not just another album.

In the meantime, Johnson and Cliff Williams are part of the Classic Rock Cares Tour, which tries to raise money for the John Entwistle Foundation (a charity organisation named in the memory of the late The Who bass player, that aims to promote musical education among disadvantaged children).

Posted by Cynyc, at 00:00 |  July 13, 2007  | 12 Comments  | 6649 Views « BACK

Comment on: AC/DC are preparing a new album

  • normal ca vor ca asta sa sune mai special,pt ca probabil va fii ultimul.let`s see..

    1. Posted by Lemmy | 13 Iulie 2007 18:39
  • omule, n-o sa fie ultimul album.adica uita-te la ei cum rup scena in doua la varsta pe care o au si sunt altii si mai ramoliti care inca au turnee si scot albume.(vezi Rolling Stones)...deci desi va fi special, ma indoiesc ca va fi ultimul. AC/DC will live forever:D. Let there be rock!

    2. Posted by Skorpionx | 14 Iulie 2007 11:40
  • mah''omule'' vezi la cati ani diferenta scotea AC/DC inainte album si apoi caz ca nu stiai ei din 2000 nu am mai scos nk in studio..o pauza cam mare totusi,nu?degeaba mai presteaza si ei in concerte melodii vechi care s-au saturat si ei de cate ori le-au cantat...iar aia cu scena ma mai gandesc..daca vrei o trupa care rupe scena in 2 si e veche asculta Iron Maiden sau Saxon..sau Judas Priest...

    3. Posted by Lemmy | 14 Iulie 2007 12:56
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