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Get some more “hardcored” death metal with a new song by River Black

Get some more “hardcored” death metal with a new song by River Black
Many metal fans enjoying the powerful riffs enhanced by hardcore attitudes miss those days when bands like Burnt by the Sun were active. The good thing is that we found out a while ago that Burnt by the Sun transformed into a new band called River Black, with more or less the same line-up, except the presence of the bass player, namely Brett Bamberger (Revocation, East of the Wall). Thus, David Witte (Municipal Waste, ex-Burnt by the Sun) continues to exhibit his lovely old-school drumming along with the straightforward riffing of John Adubato, who was another founding member in Burnt by the Sun. River Black is slower and heavier than Burnt by the Sun, while the Mike Olender’s cool vocals that recall somehow Kevin Sharp’s way, come with a go-as-you-please mood. Here we have another new song by River Black, which is catchier and ruder than the previous track we heard from their release.


The self-titled debut of River Black will be out on 7th of June via Season of Mist
Photo by Scott Kinkade
Artwork by Ellie Gill
Posted by Gina S., at 17:01 |  May 16, 2017  | 0 Comments  | 25567 Views « BACK

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