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Here’s Zornheym’s debut album, some Swedish symphonic extreme metal made by ex-members of Dark Funeral and Devian

Here’s Zornheym’s debut album, some Swedish symphonic extreme metal made by ex-members of Dark Funeral and Devian
Lead by multi-instrumentalist and songwriter Zorn, who is renowned for his activity as a bass player of Dark Funeral between 2011 and 2014, with Facebreaker’s Bendler on vocals, guitarist and musical arranger Scucca, and Diabolical’s Angst, Swedish symphonic extreme metal group Zornheym will release the debut album named “Where Hatred Dwells And Darkness Reigns” on the 15th of September on CD and digital version via Non Serviam Records. However, today we have this new release fully available for streaming, a dramatic piece based on a strong narrative which speaks of the terror and horror unfolding within a mental institution and the way it affects the prisoners. The music is dark, intense, savage and fairly executed, resembling the primeval influences of the biggest groups in the symphonic and melodic black metal, such as Dimmu Borgir, Dissection and even Satyricon.

After releasing three singles and a music video and playing the debut show at the Motocultor Metal Festival in France, Zornheym launches the first full length with an interesting approach in terms of visual packaging. While the cover art is created by Lordigan Pedro Sena, the overall concept involves also a graphic novel illustrated by Anu Bring and each song on the album will bring a short film with graphics that go beyond the standard visual manner.


MORE ABOUT Dark Funeral, Devian, Diabolical
Posted by Gina S., at 14:30 |  September 08, 2017  | 0 Comments  | 4066 Views « BACK

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