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Pestilence to play for the first time in Romania

Pestilence to play for the first time in Romania
Romanian Thrash Metal Club, Hatework – AC Manifest and Etrurian Legion presents, with pride, for the first time in Romania, one of the greatest legends of the European death metal in the years 1980-1990, among the pioneers of progressive / jazz fusion death metal, Pestilence.
The Dutch band Pestilence doesn’t really need a presentation since is one of the absolutely binding genres for any hardcore amateur, whether listening to them in the old days or discovering them just now, with the return to the extreme scene. There aren’t many bands that have managed, over the years, to produce no fewer than four consecutive albums in the must-have category. Of course, we’re talking about “Malleus Maleficarum” (1988), a debut still anchored somewhere between the thrash with which they began and the death they would later define with the classic “Consuming Impulse” (1989). And it is also about “Testimony of the Ancients” (1991), undoubtedly one of those aggressive jewels woven with technique and melody of the year 1991. And finally, as Pestilence was always a step ahead of their time, it’s about the exceptional “Spheres” (1993), an album that shifted to the technical, progressive and jazzy direction, which was somewhat shy on the previous one, definitely moving away from what the world then called death metal or rather creating a new gender.

A setlist consisting exclusively of tracks on these four albums sounds like a dream coming true for almost any old-school metalhead and / or amateur of tech, is it not? And this is Patrick Mameli’s offer, the band’s mastermind, for the Fight the Plague tour, which prefigures the emergence of a new album, entitled “Hadeon”. As stated in an interview for the Live Reviewer in 2013, Mameli can still contribute to the death metal community by having a passion for Pestilence since its inception more than 30 years ago, and with the same inspiration despite the two big hiatuses in the band’s existence. This time he will have the excellent Venezuelan guitarist Santiago Dobles (Aghora, ex-Cynic), Slovenian bassist Tilen Hudrap (Vicious Rumors, Paradox), and not least, the sensational Romanian drummer Septimiu Hărşan (Disavowed, Necrovile, Indian Fall, The Thirteenth Sun).

You have two chances to watch these four outstanding musicians at work without getting away from home, first time on the 13th of February in Bucharest, at Club Fabrica and second, on the 14th of February in Cluj-Napoca at Flying Circus. Save the dates, as they say. We’ll get back with details about tickets and opening acts soon.
Source: Romanian Thrash Metal Club

MORE ABOUT Pestilence
Posted by Gina S., at 13:19 |  November 10, 2017  | 0 Comments  | 3762 Views « BACK

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