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Stream the fourth studio album by Der Weg Einer Freiheit, a piece infused with black metal and melancholic atmosphere

Stream the fourth studio album by Der Weg Einer Freiheit, a piece infused with black metal and melancholic atmosphere
Here we have the complete latest release of the German black metal band Der Weg Einer Freiheit, which presents a solid piece of the genre, with a lot of melancholy, a bit of a folk approach on the acoustic guitars and other atmospheric traces. The harshness is there as well, some clean vocals in between, but the overall work is more like a post-black metal declaration given the wide amount of melody which goes beyond the tradition. “Finisterre” will be physically released on the 25th of August by Season of Mist as digibox CD and double LP in different colours.
Today we are finally able to present our full new album ‘Finisterre’ to you,” goes the official statement of Der Weg Einer Freiheit, which will speak of some line-up changes as well in the following lines. “We hope that you will enjoy it! However, we also need to let you know that our long-time guitarist Sascha decided to leave the band to pursue his own musical visions. Whenever possible, he still will be helping us out as a backliner. We thank Sascha for all his dedication and passion to our band and wish him the very best for his future endeavours! We take this opportunity to introduce our new guitarist Nico who has already helped us out as live guitarist for some shows in 2011 and is now joining us full time. The past three gigs with him including our release show at Summer Breeze went great and we are more than ready to finally unleash ‘Finisterre’ and see you on tour in September and October,” the band added. 
© Emanuel Oropesa 

Former guitarist Sascha Rissling commented “I am using this opportunity to give a big round of thanks to everyone who contributed to Der Weg Einer Freiheit in any way and any form over the past six years and everyone who is going to do this in future, because I will remain with the band behind the stage whenever possible and you might see me jump around before a show to make sure that everything runs smoothly. This way I can keep working with my best friends. My decision to leave the stage was sure not an easy one and took me a long time, but I just have to move on in a musical sense and dedicate my creativity for my other band Fuck You And Die and another new metal band venture that is taking a huge part of my time, passion and care. If you would like to connect and catch up with me - feel free to hit me up on the socials. Please enjoy ‘Finisterre’ as it is a magnificent piece of art and I believe in Nikita’s way of creating music. Thank you again and see you soon! Probably sooner than you might think. Sincerely, 

Posted by Gina S., at 17:12 |  August 22, 2017  | 0 Comments  | 3589 Views « BACK

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