stiri rock

Traditional Scandinavian black metal made in Iceland – the upcoming Auðn album is fully available for streaming

Traditional Scandinavian black metal made in Iceland – the upcoming Auðn album is fully available for streaming
2016 brought them the first place within the Icelandic Wacken Metal Battle competition and during the following year, the musicians of Auðn stated their traditional type of Scandinavian black metal on stages of pretty acclaimed festivals such as Inferno Festival or Roadburn. Now, the year’s ending brings the release of the their second full length, named “Farvegir Fyrndar”, which is one of the many disc launches set for this Friday, on the 10th of November. Filled with cheerless melodies and harshness, “Farvegir Fyrndar” is fully available for streaming starting this moment.

The Icelandic musicians have talked about this record as being a long journey. “We put a lot of effort into making this second album as vast and powerful as possible,” they said. “The songs are more complex and driven by emotion. Hopefully, they will strike you as hard as they did to us. ‘Farvegir Fyrndar’ is in itself a journey as the title entails, which roughly translates as ‘Ancient Paths’ or ‘Ancient Riverbeds’. The feelings portrayed in these songs revolve around depression, loss, and the unknown as embodied by the vivid landscapes of our homeland, Iceland,Auðn members added. 
Starting with 1st of December, Auðn will present the new release across several European cities. See the tour dates below!


Posted by Gina S., at 16:02 |  November 09, 2017  | 0 Comments  | 3552 Views « BACK

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