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BANDS : Hail the Night

01.  Hello Thorn, nice to talk with you!
THORN: Thanks, it's my pleasure brother!

02.  First of all could you introduce Hail the Night to our readers and tell us what you have been up to lately?
THORN: Hail The Night is an American Black Metal project from Los Angeles.  We just released a 6 song EP entitled "Demonology" and we are currently writing new material and auditioning band members to prepare for our live show. 





03.  I know that you are in search of a drummer, it is so hard to find a drummer in Los Angeles?
THORN: I think that it is hard to find a drummer for this type of music not just in Los Angeles, but all over the entire world.  Black metal is one of the most extreme and brutal forms of music ever written and it takes a true warrior to perform this type of sound.  Black metal drummers are in short supply all over the world.  That is why you constantly hear about the same few guys performing with so many other black metal bands like Frost,  Hellhammer, Nick Barker, Tony Laureano.  It is a pattern that you see the same guys playing in a variety of different  black metal and death metal bands because very few musicians can play this type of music.  So to answer your question, YES, it is definitely hard to find a serious drummer in Los Angeles but we have our eyes on a few people at the moment so we will see what happens.

04.  Why did Robbie Sherre, the drummer who played on your debut, "Demonology" leave the band?  
THORN: Hail The Night originated as a studio project with myself and LCF who is my brother in real life.  We started writing songs in pro tools about a year and a half ago just the two of us.  Everything was written out including the drum parts by LCF and myself and Robbie was introduced to us by a mutual friend who suggested that maybe he could play a few parts for us in the studio.  In honesty, Robbie's style of playing drums is more rock  and "nu metal".  He is a great guy but never really understood the true nature of black metal and was struggling greatly with the speed and blast beats in Hail The Night so we all decided it would be best for the band if we found a more qualified drummer.  Robbie had nothing to do with the forming or writing of any of the songs on "Demonology".  We wish him the best of luck and let's just leave it at that.


05. Lets talk about your debut album "Demonology". Why "Demonology"? How would you describe this album to the peope who haven't heard it yet? 
THORN: The title Demonology derived from a book i read that deals with channeling energy whether it be good or bad and unleashing it unto the world.  Demonology is an EP of 6 songs that we decided to release because we wanted to give the fans something from us in the meantime  until we record our full length record. Some of the tracks off of Demonology may be on our full length album but in a re-recorded form.


06.How did the writing happen for the songs? How many songwriters are in the band?
THORN: Well, the majority of the song writing comes from myself and LCF. Usually LCF will give me riff's or complete song ideas and sometimes I give him riff's to work with that I have written and it all goes into pro tools and just grows from there.  It's definitely a collective effort.  Our bass player, Jayme Black is also a very talented song writer who is really starting to come into his own and bring some great ideas to the band.  We really enjoy working with Jayme.

07. Do you or the rest of the band members have satanic views? If so, you support the Church of Satan or you are a practicant of the Theistic Satanism?
THORN: I guess you could say some of my views could be deemed "satanic" in which I believe in free will and I believe that i am my own god.  Honestly, I do not subscribe to any form of organized religion.  I think it is just as hypocritical for someone to have a branch of Satanism as it is to be a catholic or a Baptist and so on.  I believe that man is the king of this earth and we decide our own fates.  I practice a lot of beliefs of true paganism, the laws of nature, and the original celtic man.  But, to try and throw me into 1 particular group is very 1 dimensional and there are too many sides to my inner being to ever subscribe to just 1 identity or faith.

08. Also, as you could read from the review that I've made for "Demonology", I was very impressed about the way it sounds for a debut material. Where did you've recorded "Demonology"? Did it take long to record?
THORN:  Thank you for the compliment! We made the record in our rehersal room for basically no money. It took a long time to edit the drum parts together because as I told you before, Robbie Sherre was really not prepared to play this style of music so I had to use many production tricks and as a matter of fact, I even played drums myself on the song Repentance and a few other parts on Demonology. I went to school for sound engineering and have been working in the music industry for a long time as a producer so I guess mixing and making records just comes natural for me.

09. On the cover of the CD at thanks I've seen also the name of Dez Fafara from DevilDriver, what are your relations with him? It would be possible a colaboration on your next album with him?
THORN: Jay Gordon (formerly of the band Orgy) is unofficially managing Hail The Night for the moment and Jay produced and mixed the first Coal Chamber record on Roadrunner Records. Dez and I had known about each other thru Jay and other mutual friends for a long time and before he formed Devildriver, he signed my old band, Redrum to his record company Severe Records and I produced some other bands with him back in early 2003. He actually helped me come up with the name Hail The Night many years ago when we were talking during the pre production of the first Devildriver album.  That is a bit of trivia for the Romanian people to think about.

10. I know that you will make a video for one song from "Demonology", did you've made a decision in this way? Which is your favorite song from the album?
THORN: Making a video is definitely something we're looking to do soon. It gives the fans that don't have a chance to see us often an opportunity to see what we're about.  All the songs are very much a part of me and who I am so it is hard for me to have a favorite.  I think lyrically, I am most proud of the things I said in a song like "Drawing Down" but I really enjoy the feelings of purity and brutality when we play a song like "Black Inside".





11.From where do you extract your inspiration? What are the muses for Demonology?
THORN: I get inspired by many things.  It could be as simple as going for a hike in the mountains and feeling as if I am one with nature and the earth.  Other times it could be witnessing something brutal or blasphemous or rebellious…and other times I simply feel a need to release something dark and powerful and I need to destroy something and I will use the music as my mechanism to do this.  Demonology was an honest record that we needed to make because it was truthfully the way we felt.  It is honest and it is pure and that is the element that a lot of metal albums seem to lack these days.  People are starting to say that we have invented this new style of USA Black Metal and Thrash but for us it was just about doing what comes natural and playing what we wanted to play and writing about the subjects that we wanted to write about.  Very simple and very pure but within the purity of this act is where the power comes from.

12. Also, returning to your next album, did you have recorded some new songs so far? Or have some ideeas about how it will sound the next album?
THORN: Demonology is just a 6 song EP.  We are planning on releasing a full length album with 11 songs on it.  Demonology is just the beginning for us.  We have much more to come!

13.Which do you think is the key of success as a band? Do you play for audience or for you?
THORN: To answer this you must go to the origin of the band.  We create and write the songs for us because it is something we believe in and it is something that we want to do.  Playing live is about both us and the audience!  We hope people will find something sacred for themselves in these songs and will lead them down a path to their own self discovery.  Black metal is not a style of music that is for everyone.  We can put people on the path with our music but it is ultimately up to them if they will take the journey and come with us.

14.Are you looking in the future to sign a deal with a record company?
THORN: Yes, we are talking very seriously to a record company right now and we will see what happens.  It is important for us that people get the chance to hear this music so we want to make sure we work with the best label we can find.

15. I've almost forgot to ask you, how can people who don't have a Myspace acount could order "Demonology"? There is any other alternative? 
THORN: Demonology is a special limited edition EP with 6 songs that we only printed a few hundred copies of.  There are very few copies left but those wishing to buy one who do not have myspace can email me personally and I will try and help them.  My email is

16. Do you know any other bands from Romania? You should also check out Avatar, Negura Bunget and Satanochio...
THORN: I am friends with Dan from Avatar and like his work very much! Perhaps next summer we will try and come to Romania and play one of your festivals and meet everyone.

17. Now in the end of the interview I propose you a quick quiz. What can you tell us about the following:
Type O Negative- Bloody Kisses...El Carnivore
Danzig-  Mifits
The Cure- Robert Smith
King Diamond…"Grandmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" Gotta love the KING
USBM- Hail The Night
European black metal- Norway

18. Thank you for your time Thorn. In the end would you like to transmit few words to our readers?
THORN: I want to send a special thanks to everyone at the metalfan crew for being true metal heads to the bone!!!  Thanks to Ionela, the head of our HTN Romania street team for all her support.  Hail The Night loves Romania and we know you guys have a deep passion for real metal.  We hope to come and meet all of you one day and bring American Black Metal to your country!  We salute you all and will see you soon!! 

Autor: H.
Vezi galeriile trupelor: Hail the Night

   December 02, 2008  | 3 Comments  | 7171 Views « BACK

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  • @pfff: Esti sigur ca support poate fi tradus decat ca sustinere?? Ai auzit de sinonime??

    1. Posted by Hellhammer_x09 | 22 Decembrie 2008 15:38

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