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Aghora interview

Aghora interview
BANDS : Aghora

I knew from the very beginning that Santiago Dobles is a very special guy. I have missed an interview with him when Aghora released the first studio album, so I’ve tried to catch up with the band before he joining the freshly resurrected Cynic. He was very kind and his kindness helped me a lot in making this interview turn up the way it’s tuned up. Enjoy it!




Hello and welcome. First of all, what does Aghora mean?
It means without terror of the unknown or dark sides of the universe (God). It’s another name for Shiva

Did you know the band Cynic when you founded Aghora? I am asking that because there are persons that see a certain musical resemblance between the two groups.
Yes, I knew them.

Talking about Cynic, what was the two Seans' contribution to your first album?
Basically Sean Reinert learned the songs I wrote. He is a good friend of mine. Sean Malone was work for hire.

I have often asked myself why would a band like yours have a female vocalist. Don't you think that you would be a little more "successful" with a male behind the microphone?
No, ‘cause then it wouldn't be different. We have been doing the female fronted thing for over 10 years now. Even longer than some of the bands out there doing it now. It’s our thing.

What are, in your opinion, the differences between Danishta Rivero and Diana Serra?
Danishta is more in subtle. Diana has more power and range. Both are fantastic singers.

Even though you are an American band you have chosen a European record label. Is Aghora appreciated more in Europe?
Deffinetly Europe always treats us right and the fans are extremely supportive.

What fans are more devoted, the American or the European ones?
Well all Aghora fans are supportive. I would say that Europe gets and gives us more exposure.

Atmas Heave, Moksha, Garuda and Mahayana are names that may confuse the fans. Can you tell us a little more about the concept behind those songs and Formless?
Atmas heave is the soul’s ejection from the body. It’s from the concept of liberating oneself (Phowa in Tibetan yogas). Moksha is pure enlightenment and also liberation, but while one remains in the body enjoying all things, desires and pleasures. Garuda is a mythical bird that the God
Vishnu rides. It is said that the Garuda can digest anything
even the worst poisons. It can transmute anything. Mahayana means great vehicle (body of light) or great Path towards enlightenment.



What is more important in music, the feeling or the technicality? Is Aghora more feeling or more technicality-oriented?
I think it’s more about feeling and expressiveness.

Taking into account that your music is very complex, do your live performances need special arrangements?
Not sure I understand the question. We do not really alter anything live; we just go for it and if it happens it happens, if it doesn't something spontaneous and improvised happens.

They say that every artist has a mission. What is Santiago Dobles' message to the world?
All things can be transmuted into something higher, all things can be good for you or a valuable tool towards ones own enlightenment on this planet, even if it's a piece of shit! Learn to heal by any means necessary and learn how to become a modern day urban Shamanism.

What do you think you have accomplished, first of all as an artist and second as a human being, with your musical activity?
Well I think on one hand I have done a lot and my music has touched a lot of special folks out there. However, I still think I am baby still in this big pool we all swim in. I have a lot to still learn. I am not at the calibre I would like to be at yet as a human, as a musician, as a family man.

Do you have any idols, musical and non-musical?
Yes. Musical: Alan Holdsworth, Jon Maclaughlin, Paco Delucia, non musicians Dr. Glenn Morris, the best Qi Gong/ Kundalini Master I ever met, Pendekar Paul deThaours
and Guru Cliff Stewart! My parents and my family (my kids)!

 What are your influences, musical and non-musical?Musical: Van Halen, Nuno Bettencourt, Alan Holdsworth, Jon Maclaughlin, Paco Delucia, Carcass, Death, Pantera, Peter Gabriel, Bartok, Stravinsky, J.S. BACH, Yngwie
Malmsteen, Steve Vai, Joe Satriani, Racer X, too many really to even list!
Non-Musical: Pentjak Silat, Qi Gong, Ninpo, Dzogchen, Shamanism, Yoga,
meditation, Taoism. Healing, Reiki.

What do you think about the actual metal scene? Are there any bands and albums worth listening? Can you recommend me something?
Yes there are in fact. Alarum RULES! So does The Absence. There is a lot of movement in the metal scene; that is always refreshing to see. Younger kids now play way better than I did when I was their age. It’s AMAZING what youtube and myspace has down to expose kids to how to and what to listen to get better at their craft.



Will your future collaboration with the resurrected Cynic affect Aghora's future activity?
I can't say.

Is there anything you might want to ask about my country, Romania?
Can someone please make me some Tocanitza!!! I love that stuff. Romania is great.

In the end, before goodbye, I'd like to propose a little game to you. Let us make a short quiz with questions from all areas, musical and non-musical. You ask the questions and I answer them. Thank you very much for your time.

• Who is the best guitarist in the world from the 70's? 80's? 90's? 2000’s?
Frank Zappa in the ’70’s, Yngwie Malmsteen in the ’80’s, Steve Vai in the ’90’s, Jeff Loomis in the 2000’s.
• Who is the best drummer the world from the 70's? 80's? 90's? 2000's?
Alan White and Bill Brufford in the ’70’s, in the ’80’s I’d go with Cozy Powell and Dave Lombardo, in the ’90’s with Mike Mangini and Mike Portnoy, and from the “newest” I like Nick Barker a lot.
• What country makes the best stew?
Romania, of course.
• What country has the best Latin women?
Puerto Rico.
• What non-metal artist influences more people in metal than anyone else?
Could it be Johann Sebastian Bach?
• What country has the tallest waterfalls?
The United States of America.
• What planet has a volcano 2 times the size of the Himalayas and it always spews magma?
Mars has the tallest volcano in the entire solar system, Olympus Mons. I have no idea if it’s active.
• What country is truly heaven on earth?
They say Mauritius.
• If you could visit any country in Asia where would you go? Thailand.
• What ancient civilization influenced the eastern culture? Probably the Hellenic one.

Thank you!

Santiago Dobles.


Autor: Sake
Vezi galeriile trupelor: Aghora

   March 20, 2007  | 4 Comments  | 11431 Views « BACK

Comment on: Aghora interview

  • Frate ce intrebari ciudate (astea de la sfarsit). "Ce civilizatie antica a influentat puternic cultura est-europeana? "

    1. Posted by Rigoletto | 22 Martie 2007 01:37
  • Deh, Santiago Dobles intreaba, cititorii raspunde. V-am avertizat inca din startu' inceputului ca tipul e nitzel aparte.

    2. Posted by Sake | 22 Martie 2007 08:01
  • ... sa dea cu cacat de copil mic la rana ... ca trece.

    3. Posted by yu8yhun | 22 Martie 2007 14:39
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