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Henri Sattler (God Dethroned): We have a become a well respected band...

Henri Sattler (God Dethroned): We have a become a well respected band...
BANDS : God Dethroned


Metalfan: Hello and welcome to Metalfan!
Henri Sattler: Thank you!

Metalfan: Your career was divided into three distinct parts: death metal, blackened death metal and melodic death metal. What wasthe basis of these changes?
Henri Sattler: I don't think our carreer was divided that much to be honest. God Dethroned has always played blackened death metal with a touch of melody.
We just tried to make distinct differences in between the albums, so to keep things interesting for the listeners.

Metalfan: Could you try to note the most important things in God Dethroned existence so far?
Henri Sattler: The signing with Metal Blade Records in 1997. Playing the Dynamo, Wacken, Summer Breeze, Party San, Graspop, With Full Force and New England festivals and also touring with great bands such as Cannibal Corpse, Morbid Angel, Obituary, Immortal, Marduk, Amon Amarth to name a few.
Of course our many European tours, but definitely our US and Japanese tours.
We are also very happy to be able to tour South America this year.

Metalfan: On 24th of April you have released your eight studio album, Passiondale. What did you had on your mind when you start to work on this album and what end up to be?
Henri Sattler: Passiondale was written to be become our first concept album. An album that's entirely written about the happenings in World War One.

Metalfan: What made you compose an album concept album based around the city of Passchedaele in WWI?
Henri Sattler: I happened during those days when I visited our former guitar player Isaac Delahaye in his hometown Ypres in Belgium.This city is literally breathing World War One with it's numerous war memorials and war graves. All the English, Irish and Scottish people who are visiting the graves of their relatives, the last post ceremony at the huge Menin Gate, etc, etc. I was so impressive that I decided to do some research on this war. That impressed me even more, so I decided to write an album about it. Passchedaele is a little village right before Ypres. That's where the main battles took place. It was completely wiped off of the face of the earth during the 4 battles for Ypres during 1914 - 1918.

Metalfan: Soon you will start the new tour Storming the Balkans Tour 2009. What do you expect from this tour?
Henri Sattler: I expect to see a lot of metal heads who have been waiting for us for many years to finally come to the Balkans to do a proper tour. It was about time and we finally made it! We are really looking forward to this tour !

Metalfan: Do you think that is a difference between the audience from the Eastern Europe from the one from Western Europe?
Henri Sattler: Yes definitely. The audience overhere have seen so many bands over the years. Bands that don't always have the possibility to go to Eastern Europe. I think the metal heads in Eastern Europe usually have to deal with a lot less shows and therefore is more keen on seeing a band when it comes by.
Usually playing for an audience that hasn't seen too many bands yet is very pleasant because they enjoy it a lot more.

Metalfan: Returning to this new tour, when did you start the work and how hard is to find serious promoters to work with?
Henri Sattler: Basically Milan from Sacramental Blood has booked this tour. He's a very persistant person and has done a great job on this whole thing. We are really grateful to him for all his work !

Metalfan: In Storming the Balkans Tour 2009 you will hit Romania for the first time, twice in Bucharest and in Oradea. Do you intend to bring with you some merchendise with God Dethroned for the romanian maniacs?
Henri Sattler: Yes definitely. We made a shirt especially for this whole tour, because we want it to be remembered and bring something nice to the fans.

Metalfan: Why do you think that metal fans so much more devoted than fans of other types of music?
Henri Sattler: I don't know because I don't really know what fans of other types of music are like, but i'm of course really happy with how metal fans are in general and that's why i'm still in this business.

Metalfan: Have you ever get scared by some of your fans in all these years?
Henri Sattler: No, never.

Metalfan: As in the beginning of the interview we talked a little bit about God Dethroned existence, please tell me what made you continue God Dethroned for 18 years?
Henri Sattler: The fact that I love this type of music, the metal scene in general and I just love playing guitar. We have a become a well respected band and as long it's fun to do then I don't see any reason to quit.

Metalfan: What does Henri Sattler when he is not on the road or in the studio with God Dethroned? Why?
Henri Sattler: Oh, I also have to work from time to time to pay the bills at home. Only when we tour almost non-stop then there's no time to have a regular job, but during the times we're not touring that much I also go to work.Unfortunately there's not too much money in this type of music...

Metalfan: Your latest album Passiondale was declared the "Killer Album" of the week. If you have to convince a person that it have to buy this album, which do you think that would be the strongest three resons that would pop-up in your mind?
Henri Sattler: It's an album that's sounds brutal, well produced, but most of all, has great songs !!!

Metalfan: Thank you Henri for your time and good luck in the future! In the end feel free to add anything you want or to send some words to our readers?
Henri Sattler: Everyone, check out Passiondale and see you somewhere on tour!!!

Autor: H.
Vezi galeriile trupelor: God Dethroned

   June 25, 2009  | 0 Comments  | 9648 Views « BACK

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