stiri rock

Foscor reveals new song and video

Foscor reveals new song and video
After they presented the first single from their fifth studio album, namely the song “Ciutat Tràgica” featuring Alan Averill Nemtheanga, the Catalan musicians of Foscor come with a second track taken from the upcoming release, “Instants”. The song is created in a phantasmal progressive manner and dazzles the listener’s mind with the vocals’ exoticity, given that this time, Foscor brought an album with clean vocals and Catalan lyrics. “Instants” is covered by a video edited by Falke using mirrored images, lyrics and archive footage collected from the families of the band’s members who documented their trips in various places. The vintage atmosphere fits perfectly those tunes that lure the listener into contemplation. Foscor’s new album “Les Irreals Visions” will be released on the 9th of June by Season of Mist.
Foscor comments: „One of the most immense and intense tracks on our album, ‘Instants’ revolves around the concept how humans must turn all their moments to eternal, achieving reconciliation between the far beyond and the here. The course of history is always explained through big events and how they change the turning of the world. But here we praise the value of everyday life, which is shaped by a huge amount of small ordinary moments, which are affecting our behaviour. If we don’t value those moments, we value nothing. Its magic explains how we are, and there’s no other intention behind this lyric video than to open the gates of your memories. Musically speaking, as the album’s opening track, it’s a declaration of intentions in itself. There are no boundaries in order to try to reach beauty in this dreamlike landscape.
Cover by Nona Limmen 
Photo by Raquel Garcia

Posted by Gina S., at 17:12 |  April 26, 2017  | 0 Comments  | 3185 Views « BACK

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