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Nocturnal Graves unleashes new track from the upcoming album

Nocturnal Graves unleashes new track from the upcoming album
Australian death metal group Nocturnal Graves keeps on delivering sonic aggression through its old-school force. With Denouncement Pyre’s R. Prain on bass and vocals, J.R. (ex-Deströyer 666, ex-Hobbs’ Angel of Death and many others) back on drums, and with former Deströyer 666 and Razor of Occam guitarist Shrapnel, Nocturnal Graves still goes with a trustworthy line-up and announces the release of the third full-length on the 18th of May. The new record is suggestively entitled “Titan” and here’s the first single taken from it, track No. 3 “Ecdysis, Shedding Weak Flesh”. 
«Our first single, “Ecdysis, Shedding Weak Flesh” deals with tearing down boundaries and ridding oneself of the restraints that hinder the advancement of the individual, » commented Nocturnal Graves. «When removing weakness, one must march forward and abandon ways that are tried and tested. This is representative of the approach that we took to the album as a whole. “Ecdysis” in particular forges a new path that we have previously left unexplored. Still revelling in darkness, yet twisting in ways we had not imagined. Here is the first offering, we are eager to unleash this upon you all!» 
© Vlad Savin
Posted by Gina S., at 16:54 |  February 21, 2018  | 0 Comments  | 3515 Views « BACK

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